
Synbiotics used to Treat Constipation in Men


While many people suffer from constipation, there is a range of symptoms which define the condition.  From the frequency of bowel movements to stool size and consistency, there are several factors that could be indicative of problem. For those with mild to moderate constipation, taking synbiotic supplements could help to relieve symptoms by restoring or helping to regulate beneficial intestinal flora.

Signs of Constipation:

  • Fewer than 3 stools per week
  • Straining
  • Lower abdominal pain or fullness
  • Incomplete evacuation


Synbiotics are supplements that contain both prebiotics and probiotics which together work to grow or increase the effectiveness of beneficial gastrointestinal flora.  Some of the most effective combinations available are bifidobacteria and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), Lactobacillus GGand inulins, and bifidobacteria and lactobacilli with FOS or inulins.

Following chemotherapy, radiation or antibiotic use, intestinal flora is often thrown off balance due to the damage these treatments can cause to important microorganisms.  Synbiotics provide the means to reestablish the proper balance in the GI tract by healing and stimulating the growth of good intestinal bacteria.

The Research

In a recent study, a synbiotic mixture was given to young men who suffered from constipation.  As a result of the study, researchers found that synbiotics were effective in relieving mild to moderate symptoms of constipation during and following supplementation.  As no adverse effects were discovered in the use of synbiotics as treatment for constipation, this method was found to be both safe and effective.

Other Conditions Synbiotics May Help Prevent:

  • food allergies
  • ulcerous colitis
  • diarrhea
  • various cancers

Proper balance in the gut is essential for maintaining health in a variety of areas, and taking dailysynbiotic supplements can help achieve and maintain that balance.

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