14 Oct 2014

Is it possible to get too much vitamin D?

Is it possible to get too much vitamin D?

Recent announcements by television broadcasters indicated that taking too much vitamin D may cause heart problems.  However, the basis for this claim was a study in which 132,000 people hadvitamin D levels above 100 ng/ml.  A very small percentage (291 people out of the 132,000) experienced slightly higher occurrences of atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) compared with those with lower levels of vitamin D.

Recommended Dosage

Until the Institute of Medicine recently advised higher levels of vitamin D, the recommended level had been 20 ng/ml.   Most researchers and many health care practitioners agree that 20 ng/ml is far too low and that the minimum level should be at least 30 ng/ml, and ideally levels should range from about 40 to 80 ng/ml.

Most Americans (an estimated 70%) do not have sufficient levels of vitamin D, yet broadcasters warn against takAll Postsing too much.  Doctors can perform blood tests to determine currentvitamin D levels, and for those who are deficient, supplementation is recommended.  However, for the very small minority of those whose levels of vitamin D are more than sufficient (0.22%), supplementation would not be necessary.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Those who had levels of vitamin D between 61 and 80 ng/ml experienced a substantially decreased risk of diabetes compared to those who were vitamin D deficient.  In addition, those who had levels between 81 and 100 ng/ml experienced a significant decrease in occurrences ofhypertension compared to those who were deficient.

Reduced Risks in Those With Vitamin D Levels Higher Than 60ng/ml:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart failure
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Kidney failure
  • Depression
  • Strokes in those who previously suffered a stroke

For most people, it is advisable to take vitamin D supplements.  While there was not substantial evidence to conclude that high levels of vitamin D cause heart problems, those who are deficient are at a greater risk for cardiovascular disease and other serious health conditions.

BY: Dr Carrie

Dietary Supplements

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14 Oct 2014

Study Finds That Drinking Cherry Juice Can Improve Sleep

Study Finds That Drinking Cherry Juice Can Improve Sleep

Eating habits and daily health and nutrition choices impact countless areas of health, and sleep is no exception.  While consuming food before bed or drinking wine or caffeinated beverages can disrupt sleep, a new study has found that consuming tart Montmorency cherry juice can noticeably improve the duration and quality of sleep.  Researchers at Northumbria University have discovered that cherry juice benefits sleep by increasing the body’s melatonin levels.  Melatoninregulates sleep, and sufficient levels help people fall asleep and stay asleep.

The study was conducted among 20 healthy individuals, some of whom were placed in a control group and some of whom were given 30ml of tart cherry juice to drink twice each day for the duration of one week.  Participants were evaluated prior to the study to discover their normal levels of melatonin, and during the study their sleep was monitored and records of their sleepingpatterns were kept.

The Benefits of Cherry Juice

  • Increases circulation of melatonin
  • Lengthens amount of time spent sleeping
  • Improves sleep quality

Those who consumed the cherry juice were found to have a 15-16% increase in melatonin levels compared to their previous levels and to the control group.  They also found that the cherry juice group spent an additional 15 minutes in bed and 25 more minutes actually sleeping.  Beyond this, their sleep quality, or sleep efficiency, was increased by about 5-6% and participants who drankcherry juice took fewer naps during the day throughout the duration of the study.

Cherry juice, by increasing melatonin levels, can provide healthy adults with a natural solution for sleep difficulties ranging from insomnia to jet lag.  For those who struggle with getting sufficientsleep, adding cherry juice is a simple way to improve the duration and quality of sleep, and this can positively impact other areas of health as well.


BY: Dr Carrie

Diet and Recipes

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14 Oct 2014

Acupuncture a Part of Modern Day Medicine

Exploring the Science Behind Medical Acupuncture

This article in Medical News Today discusses how acupuncture is becoming validated as an effective medical treatment for a variety of conditions.

They are now looking deeper into the mechanism and actions to understand why acupuncture work as well as it does.  It is hope by understanding the underlying physiology it will help propel research and understanding of this ancient healing art.

Read more at: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/259226.php

BY: Dr Carrie

Health Information

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